Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Who Will Survive in America? Troy Davis Executed - 9/21

This post is irrelevant to music and fashion, but has just as much of a right to be acknowledged as any other post I've done. Sadly, Troy Davis, a black male accused of murdering a white cop back in 1989, has been executed. It's been two decades since Davis was charged, and even after 7 out of 9 witnesses against Davis have recanted, the state of Georgia decided go on with the execution regardless. Hopefully the eyes of many that are blinded by the system are opened and realize that racially, things still aren't the way they should be in this country. Who will survive in America? R.I.P. Troy Davis. Many hearts are heavy. Your supporters, family, and soul are in the prayers of many. This my friends, is NOT dope.

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